One of the world’s religions, with three main branches: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Protestantism. A common feature that unites all its representatives is a belief in a triune God, and Jesus Christ acts as the god-man, the savior of the world. The main source of Christian doctrine is Sacred Scripture-the Bible, especially its second part-the New Testament.
One of the main features of Christianity is love for man, mercy for those who suffer. The antithesis of love, according to the Gospel, is false self-assertion, pride, egoism – personal, national, religious, and a focus only on one’s self as the only value. Therefore, to the two main commandments of the Old Testament, to love God and neighbor, Christ adds a “new commandment” of total self-giving.
Christianity proclaims the equality of all men as sinners and gives them the hope of gaining freedom in a simple and clear way: through the knowledge of the divine truth that Christ brought to earth in order to redeem all human sins and vices forever. Christian apologetics asserts that, unlike all the other religions of the world, Christianity is not man-made, but was given to humanity by God in a finished and finished form,